週二, 14 三月 2023 11:06

【轉知】數位發展部數位產業署敬邀國際學生參與「Talent Circulation Alliance」專題研習TCA International Students Training & Internship by MODA

為協助國際人才於臺灣獲得培訓與實習機會,Talent Circulation Alliance (簡稱TCA)與企業、法人單位合作實務研習,期盼透過5個月的培訓與研習,共同培育產業所需之國際數位人才。







  1. 具備外籍生或僑生身分並持有外僑居留證者(*不包含陸、港、澳生)。

  2. 於申請計畫至參與計畫期間,須保持在學學生身分者,不包含在職專班學生。

  3. 經錄取之研習生須於2023年7月1日至11月30日持有有效工作許可證。工作許可申請方式依各校規定辦理,請洽各校僑外生學務窗口。


We would like to share an internship program opportunity sponsored by Administration for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs for all the international students who currently pursue professional degrees in Taiwan.

The TCA International Student Training & Internship provides opportunities for international/overseas Chinese students to participate in 5 months training and internship at local industry from July to November. The application starts on March 27st and due on April 27th 5pm!

The application information session will be held at Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung & Hualien from March 27th to April 7th. Join us and learn more about TCA!

 【About Us】

Sign-up now: https://forms.gle/Xk18zXzVKdMC6Thf9

NOTE: Student applicant eligibility

  1. International/Oversea Chinese students currently studying in Taiwan (Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong students are NOT eligible).

  2. Students must maintain full-time student status while attending this program between May 1st to November 30th, 2023 (from submitting application to the end of the program).

*In-service students are not eligible for this program.

  1. Students MUST remain as student and hold valid work permit throughout this internship program (till 2023/11/30).

*International student work permit should be applied through your university.

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