週四, 23 三月 2023 09:06


About the Project:

This project aims to identify sources and distributions of non-biological contaminants found in Tioman Island by spectroscopy and chromatography method; Towards contaminants Spectral Library on environmental compounds combined with chemometric. The researcher will be supervised by a team with expertise in Polymer Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Chromatography, Environment, Forensic, Computer Science and Maritime Criminal Investigation Division.

Main Supervisor: Dr Mohd Rashidi Abdull Manap

Faculty: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor MALAYSIA.


Sampling requirements:

For the sampling activity, i am expecting either a technology transfer or sampling methodologies from your previous research.

Entry Requirements:

You should hold or expect to hold a degree in a chemistry, forensic or equivalent subject. A Masters degree or prior research experience would be advantageous. Good English communication skills (oral and written). Please see post shorturl.at/bfwZ4 for more details about the project and the application process and email Rashidi (email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它) if you are interested in applying for the project or have any questions about the project or the application process.

Funding note:

This is a self-funded MSc/PhD project; applicants will be expected to pay their own fees or have a suitable source of third-party funding. A bench fee will be applied to this project, in addition to the tuition fees. However, an invited researcher (Professor or Research Attachment) will have partial financial support for 2023@2024.

For the non funded participants, details of the sampling cost will be prepared in USD/person. International Return Flights, Travel Insurance and Visa are not included.

Apply now:


More Information:

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