週一, 30 五月 2022 14:37

【短期活動】暑假線上課程-印尼文與文化Course of Language and Culture of Indonesia (CULTURA) 2022

The 1st Course of Language and Culture of Indonesia (CULTURA) 2022


CULTURA 2022是為期6週的線上課程,專為對印尼文即印尼文化有興趣的同學所設計。期間將有16堂同步線上課,並且有跟印尼籍學伴互動練習的機會。此活動由Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA)的語言中心及印尼文語文化系共同舉辦。
CULTURA 2022 is a six-week online program designed for students who wish to study the Indonesian language (basic level) and its culture. This program covers 16  synchronous meetings with our professional lecturer and practice with student buddies. CULTURA 2022 is conducted by Center for International Language Development (CILAD) in collaboration with the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature of Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA).


◆Program Schedule課程時程
-Online Registration線上報名: 2022/5/23-6/23
-Data Verification報名資料審核: 2022/6/24-7/4
-Final Announcement公告錄取榜單: 2022/7/5
-Opening Ceremony開幕式: 2022/7/11
-Virtual Course: 2022/7/13-8/12,Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 03:30 - 05:00 p.m. Western Indonesian Time (UTC+7)【16:30-18:00 Taiwan Time Zone (UTC+8)】
 線上上課時間: 2022/7/13-8/12,每週一、三、五 印尼時間15:30-17:00【臺灣時間16:30-18:00】
-Closing Ceremony 閉幕式: 2022/8/15

◆Terms and Requirements申請資格
1. Non-Indonesian citizens 非印尼籍人士
2. Enrolled as an active student in a Higher Education Institution 高等教育學府之在學學生(大學生、碩士生、博士生皆可)
3. Minimum age 18 years 滿18歲
4. Have good interest in learning Indonesian language and culture 對印尼文及文化有興趣
5. Able to communicate in English (proven by a valid English proficiency certificate, except participants from English speaking countries) 非英語系國家之人士需提供英文能力檢定證明
6. Commit to participate in the program until the program is finished 課程期間可完整參與者
7. Willing to share the program activities through social media platforms 願意在社群媒體上分享參加經驗者

Submit the following documents directly to cilad.unissula.ac.id/cultura/ 

(1) Formal Photo (With Red Background) 大頭照(紅底)
(2) Scan of Passport or Student ID Card 護照影本或學生證影本
(3) Scan of latest Academic Certificate/Diploma 最高學歷證明文件影本(例如:大學部同學請繳交高中畢業證書影本)
(4) Scan of Latest Academic Transcript 前學期英文成績單
(5) Latest Curriculum Vitae 英文版個人簡歷
(6) Motivation Letter (no less than 250 words) 250字以上之英文修讀計畫(參加此活動之動機及目的)

Further information please refer to Booklet. 更多資訊請參考活動手冊

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它. You can also reach our staff on WhatsApp (Ms. Anita) at +62813 9192 5808.
若有任何問題請聯繫Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它,或是透過Whatsapp聯繫承辦人Ms. Anita。

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