週四, 19 五月 2022 13:34



Okayama Prefectural University(OPU) 2022 Fall Exchange Program

一、開放名額及申請條件 Quota and Requirement

學院 Faculty 科系 Department 名額 Quota 語言能力門檻 Language Requirement
Computer Science and System Engineering Information and Communication
Systems Engineering 1 JLPT N2
Human Information Engineering 1 JLPT N2
Design Visual Design 1 or more JLPT N3
Craft and Industrial Design 1 or more JLPT N3
Architecture 1 or more JLPT N3

二、申請截止日 Deadline:2022/5/30(一)12:00 PM

三、應繳文件 Required Documents:

1.申請表 Application Form-Form 1

2.英文版歷年成績單 Academic record(Officially issued by the university in English)

3.推薦信 Recommendation-use attached Form 2

4.三張大頭照 3 photos-其中一張貼在Form 1,另外兩張單獨交。Paste one of them on the application form.

5.日檢證明(依申請之科系繳交 N2或N3證明) Certificate Japanese Language Proficiency’ for N2/N3 or higher level issued

6.作品集(申請設計學院方需繳交) Portfolio that includes samples of applicant’s work(Only when applying to the Faculty of Design)


**Please submit the original copy of application documents to Office of International Affairs by the deadline.**

四、校內評選方式 Examination:


We will examine all application through "交換學生評分標準表", Average Grade(20%), Ranking(20%), Language Requirement(40%), Other supportive documents for application(20%), the one who gets the best grade will be nominated to Okayama Prefectural University. OPU will do second screening afterwards.
If more than one applicant selects Visual Design, Craft and Industrial Design, Architecture, the candidates will selected depends on OPU's decision.

承辦人:國際事務處 羅鈺涵(Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 /分機2393)
Contact Information: Office of International Affairs Ms.Eunice(Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 /Ext.2393)

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