週三, 30 三月 2022 08:55


Kansai University Summer 2022 J-MCP Programs

♦課程時間 Program Dates:

2022.08.08 to 2022.09.20


♦報名方式 How to Apply?


Please submit the following documents to Office of International Affairs, individual applications will NOT be processed.

1.申請表 Application Form

2.家長或監護人同意書 Consent Form

3.英文個人簡歷 CV

4.英文自傳 Autobiography

5.英文歷年成績單(大學部需含班級排名)Transcript (with ranking)

6.英文語文檢定證明 Certificate of English Proficiency


   *JLPT scores cannot be accepted this time**

7.護照影本 Copy of Passport

8.其他有利證明文件 Other supportive documents for application


Please submit all documents to Office of International Affairs by 2022.04.15(FRI.)12:00 PM.


♦注意事項 Reminder:

1.學員須全程參與活動 The applicant is confirming to fully participate in this program. *Non-committal participation or dropping out partway through the program without an appropriate reason is unacceptable and may result in students' disqualification from participation in future programs.

2.學員須同意主辦方及相關機構使用活動期間之影音相片等相關資料,用以學術、宣傳、刊物之用 The applicant consents to photographs, video recording, audio recording, or other electronic or digital method of recording by Kansai University for advertisement, publicity, or information distribution.

3.報名資訊一經送出即不得再行更改 Registration information cannot be revised after submission.


♦詳細資訊 Further Information:



承辦人 Contact Person:
國際交流組 羅鈺涵 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它/分機2393
Ms.Eunice Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它/ext.2393

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