週三, 16 三月 2022 14:09

【轉知】2022年EE30 Under 30(全球環境教育青年領袖選拔)訊息

      教育部函知本校有關北美環境教育學會(NAAEE)舉辦之「西元2022年EE30 Under 30(全球環境教育青年領袖選拔)」訊息



  • 活動簡述:北美環境教育學會已持續第7年發掘全球多元的環境青年領袖。
    The EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2022 will receive global recognition, join a growing community of inspiring EE leaders,
    and receive ongoing opportunities for professional development and networking, including scholarship opportunities
    to attend the 2022 NAAEE conference.

  • 報名條件:出生於81年1月1日(含)以後者,建議活動適用對象為全國高中(職)、大專院校學生及30歲以下之有志青年。
    Nominees must be 30 years old or under (as of December 31, 2022). We accept nominees from any country in the world.
    Nominations must be submitted in English, but your nomination will not be judged based on your English ability.
    You can submit more than one nomination (e.g. yourself and someone else, or nominate two different people),
    but you must submit a separate nomination for each person (we do not accept joint nominations).

  • 報名或提名期限:美東時間西元2022年4月11日23時59分(臺灣時間111年4月12日11時59分)。
    April 11, 2022 at 11:59 PM US Eastern Time (April 12, 2022 at 11:59 PM Taiwan Time)


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