Application Fee: non-refundable application fee of 100 euros.
Course | Date | Info. | Details |
Summer School of Economics and Business |
2024/7/1-7/26 | Application Deadline: 2024/6/7 (Early Bird discount before 2024/2/28)Requirement: English (CEFR B2)APPLLY NOW: Application Form SSEBFour of our regular courses of 6 ECTS credits, taught in English, in a 4-week intensive format (choose 1 or 2):
https://uamsseb.educationCourse DescriptionDetailed Info. |
Summer School “Selected Topics in Tourism, International Hospitality and Attractions Management” | 2024/7/15-7/26 | Application Deadline: 2024/6/14 (Early Bird discount before 2024/2/28)Requirement: English (CEFR B2)APPLLY NOW: Application Form STTIHAMThis is a 2-week intensive course of 6 ECTS credits, taught in English, covering the following topics: sustainable tourism, crypto-economics and metaverse applied to tourism, human resources management, hotel finance, customer experience management, and attractions management in Madrid. | DescriptionDetailed Info. |
Climate Change Summer School | 2024/7/15-7/26 | Application Deadline: 2024/6/7 (Early Bird discount before 2024/2/28)Requirement: English (CEFR B1 or B2)APPLLY NOW: SS application formEnroll in an exclusive 2-week study program (with a workload equivalent to 3 ECTS credits) that offers a high-quality multidisciplinary course, taught in English by leading professors from numerous disciplines (Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Humanities, Law, Physics, Political Science, and Sociology) and by the best professionals in the business world. | Course DescriptionDetailed Info. |
【Contact Information】
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Summer School of Economics and Business This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
YunTech Ms.Eunice This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.