週三, 05 十月 2022 15:16

【短期活動】線上麥哲倫世界遊學團(Magallanes World Study Tour, MWST) 2.0

馬來西亞拉曼大學社區與國際聯系處誠摯地邀請各位同仁及學生出席本校舉辦的線上麥哲倫世界遊學團(Magallanes World Study Tour, MWST)2.0 !


為了配合拉曼大學20周年校慶,拉曼大學社區與國際聯系處再次與6所合作姐妹校在今年10月於11月期間舉辦線上麥哲倫世界遊學團2.0 (MWST 2.0),以在地國際化的概念探索全球6個國家的聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)世界遺產


第一站(10月11日):The Westcoast University of Applied Science, Germany
第二站(10月17日):Huaqiao University, China
第三站(10月25日):Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
第四站(10月31日):Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
第五站(11月7日)  :Universitas Warmadewa, Indonesia
第六站(11月14日)  :Jeonbuk National University, South Korea
第七站(11月21日):Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia


聯絡人:拉曼大學社區與國際處 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


[UTAR] Magallanes World Study Tour (MWST) 2.0 - UNESCO World Heritage

We are pleased to announce that Magallanes World Study Tour (MWST) is coming back!
MWST was inspired by Ferdinand Magellan who was the first man in history to travel around the world. In 2021, we aimed to provide learning opportunities for students about the culture, traditions, and languages of each destination in the MWST 1.0. The first navigation in 2021 successfully attracted 2702 students participating in the MWST 1.0, including the students from seven co-organizing UTAR partner universities and other partner universities.

In conjunction with the UTAR 20th Anniversary Celebration, we are organizing the MWST 2.0 which consists of a series of sharing sessions, to promote the concept of Internationalization in terms of creating opportunities with collaborative partners to explore different contexts and world views via virtual medium. This time, MWST 2.0 provides the opportunities to participants all around the world to experience the "United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage" through virtual platforms including tangible and intangible world heritages.

The following seven stations will be hosted by UTAR together 6 partner universities around the world in the MWST 2.0:
Station 1: The Westcoast University of Applied Science, Germany
Station 2: Huaqiao University, China
Station 3: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Station 4: Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Station 5: Universitas Warmadewa, Indonesia
Station 6: Jeonbuk National University, South Korea
Station 7: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
For registration, you may click the link or scan the QR code in the poster.
Please find the e-book at https://anyflip.com/mlvsj/kffi/ for more detailed information.
If you wish to hear more from us, please like our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/dcinternetutar
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它